School children may want to avert their eyes. Oh no, too late. The image above was taken by Ain't it Cool News from the trailer of Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer. It would appear that the Silver Surfer as he appears in this summer's FF sequel is anatomically correct.
And we here at Moonsquabble dig it.
Ain't it Cool News was the first to break the story a few weeks ago, but since then it has fallen under the radar in favor of Swagdance Film Fest reports and close-ups of Optimus Prime. This, I feel, is a grave error in online journalism.
The consensus of Ain't it Cool News is that the Silver Surfer's junk is nothing more than one sick animator's easter egg for the audience, like Jessica Rabbit's vag or Ariel's priest's boner. We at Moonsquabble feel that a petition is in order to ensure that the Silver Surfer's chrome covered nuts appear in every frame possible. Is it not enough for big time film producers to water down epic Marvel plots? Must they rob Norrin Radd of his manhood, too?
Purists will argue that the Silver Surfer's crotch resembled Ken's in the comics, but I think purists need to move out of their mothers' basements and get a life. Moonsquabble supports Silver Surfer genitalia. (In theory, only. We're not prepared to be welded on him like a jock strap. That's a journey we can't oxygen in space, dig?)
To see it yourself, watch the trailer.
If that version of Sue Storm and Reed Richard's wedding looks too lame for your, check out the original version.
Kitty con Carne signing out.
1 comment:
That's gotta be tough for him, swinging around in the Cosmos like that, with no support.
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